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Soulistic Healing

Soulistic Healing is more than just the mind and body, it is a journey towards an authentic way of life. Our bodies hold the experiences of those who bravely came before us and our own unique lived experiences. Soulistic Healing embodies the past, the present and honors our future. It embodies all that we are - our mind, our physical bodies, our spirit, our energies, our vibrations. 

 Flowers Soulistic Healing seeks to work at healing all that we are and carry with us. Whether you are navigating deep or shallow waters, we can claim and reclaim our wholeness and wellbeing. Below are steps that many can safely start on their own healing journey.

The below suggestions are not design to diagnosis, treat or cure any diseases, however they are potential guides in your own journey to soulistic healing.


Lotus Pose

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

Mindfulness is a state of being where one focuses on the present moment of being, by non-judgmentally and peacefully acknowledging and accepting one's thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. In this process we can build and strengthen our self compassion and allow our bodies to heal. 

Earth Grounding


Photo: Taken by Jasmine while traveling in Clearwater, Florida 

Touching the natural earth with our bare feet will help us absorb the earths powerful energy beneath us. Earth grounding is a simple way to get started.  

This is a healing practice you can do on your own, one of earths healing freedoms.  If you're able, indulge yourself by touching your bare feet to the natural earth and discharge the accumulation of the pollution which will foster a balance in your bodies energy. Feel the vibrations below you. We were meant to touch our soles on the ground. 

Sound Healing

Capoeira Instruments

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

For those who have the privilege to hear, what we  consume with our ears is important and can heal or hinder us.  Sounds can transition us to a deep state of relaxation and create space for us to release negative emotions and trapped energy, removing blockage within the chakras and balance our souls.  Sound bathing (also sometimes called "sound meditation" or "sound therapy") involves mindfully listening to various sounds that help relax the body and mind. Sound baths, music therapy, birds chirping, the sounds of waves from waters, the symphony of the collective instruments; all encourage relaxation, release and healing. 

Mindful Breathing


Photo: Taken by Jasmine while journeying in Maui, Hawaii. 

Mindful breath work allows us to disconnect from the mind and reconnect with our body and energy. Unlike meditation, (which is also an incredible healing practice that takes some time to acquire), breath work is a simpler practice when your soul needs more immediate relief. It's a great exercise to use out when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or off-center. To start, begin by slowly breathing in to the count of 5, hold for 2 and breath out to the count of 7. Repeat three times.

Social Media Boundaries

Zen Garden

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

Social media can be a great place to connect, to be entertained or even a place to be encouraged. It can also have a harmful effect on your mental health. It's important to be introspective at how your interactions with social media affects your mental well-being. I often encourage a balance with us and implementing boundaries with social media. This can look like removing pictures that trigger negative self-judgement, unfollowing negative accounts, intentionally posting positive messages or comments and taking regular breaks from all platforms. 

Earthly Cleansing

Natural Cosmetic Materials

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

What we put on our bodies is consequential. At a young age, my body rejected chemically created body products (it shows up as pain, bumps, acne, etc.).  Our journeys to healing includes what we put-on our body. From years of formulating mixes that are healthy and earth derived, we easily can drench our bodies in what is naturally occurring. My body butters and oils nourish the not just the body but the soul, effortlessly. Check them out under the "Soulistic Body" section.

Radical Rest


Photo: Taken by Jasmine while exploring through Ubud, Bali, Indonesia 

The movement to grind is stamped with colonialism and is actually anti-healing. Our souls, especially those of us who come with a history of  intergenerational oppression and marginalization, have especially earned space for more rest. Take time to honor your soul by resting in ways that feel good to you by slowing down.  


Lotus Pose

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

Movement is a form of expression and a method to heal our souls. When we move, we are able to detoxify what is trapping us both mentally and physically. Soul wounds can manifest by creating a disconnect with our bodies and movement helps rebuild that connection. Many find this type of therapy is genuinely the best option for their needs, especially those battling somatic ailments. Benefits of movement are endless. Yoga, Qigong and mindful walking are great places to get started. 

Gratitude Offerings

Oil Lamp Offering

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

Gratitude helps center who we are. Gratitude is a form of expression that allows us to remember, honor and hold close all those before us, those present and those future. Gratitude Offerings, as I call them, are global practices in many cultures. Offerings of gratitude can include food offerings, prayers, hymns, letters of thanks. Likely you know or have your own global cultural expressions of gratitude and I invite you to practice them often. 

Intentional Written Words

Glasses on Spiral Notebook

Photo:  Compliments of Wix  

 Writing is a sacred practice to heal while sharing our truths in all its various forms. Sharing our truths can be therapeutic and helps cleanse our pain through thoughtful releasing.  Writing is also a part of communal heritage. Writing helps us to release trapped negative energy from our bodies on to paper. Writing can help you release what our minds tend to keep trapped inside. 

Reading for Healing

Open Book

Photo Credit: Compliments of Wix 

Reading is critical to healing. It helps connect us to what may be shadowed and awakens us to the knowledge our global earth needs. Reading about the root causes of our ailments will first humanize our experiences and also remind us that many illness didn't start with us.  Reading can be helpful for our wellbeing by strengthening our brain muscles, preventing cognitive decline, increases our empathy, reducing negative energy in the body and helping aid in restful sleep. â€‹ Check out some of my book recommendations on the "Resources" section.

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